Privacy Policy

  • We are committed to safeguarding the privacy and security of your personal data. We take our responsibilities under Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act (the “PDPA”) seriously. We also recognise the importance of the personal data you have entrusted to us and believe that it is our responsibility to properly manage, protect and process your personal data.
  • The contents of this Privacy Policy may change over time so please check back frequently. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on and can be viewed at our Website.
  • The Website is not intended for use by any person below the age of 18. We do not and do not intend to, transact through the Website directly with anyone we know to be under the age of 18.
  • By providing any personal data to us, you declare and affirm that you are at least 18 years of age and above and agree to the terms set out in this Privacy Policy.
  • This Policy applies to all personal data that you may provide to us and the personal data we hold about you. By providing us with your personal data or by accessing, using or viewing the applicable Website or any of its services, functions or contents (including transmitting, caching or storing of any such personal data), you shall be deemed to have agreed to each and all the terms, conditions, and notices in this Policy. If you do not agree, please cease use of the relevant Website(s) and/or service(s) and DO NOT provide any personal data to us.

What personal data is collected

1. “Personal data” is defined under the PDPA to mean data, whether true or not, about an individual who can be identified from that data, or from that data and other information to which an organisation has or is likely to have access.

2. When you use our Website, any service we provide or in your interaction with us, the personal data we may collect include but is not limited to :-

(a) Data collected directly from you. This may be done through our mobile app, by email, or in person when you meet our staff or representatives. The personal data collected may include, but is not limited to:

• your contact information, including your (first and last) name, (billing and/or delivery) address, birthdate and email address and/or your telephone number. We need your e-mail address and/or telephone number so that we may contact you if we have questions or information for you regarding your order or the service that we are providing or will provide to you;

• if you have created an online profile or account, the preferences and interests stored in such profile or account (please see below for further information concerning the profiles); and/or

• if you have contacted customer service, the details of this contact and the contact history.

(b) Data collected by automated means. Various technologies may be used on our Website and our mobile and web-based applications in order to make them more user-friendly, effective and secure. Such technologies may lead to data being collected automatically by us or by third parties on behalf of us. This data does not always, but may, contain a user's personal data or comprise of personal data. Examples of such technologies include:

the visitor's location

the visitor’s mobile device id

information about the browser used (browser type and version, operating system, etc).

Hence, depending on the circumstances or the nature of the transaction with you, the personal data we may collect from you includes :

• location Information of yourself and/or your computer or device

• contact Information

The purposes for which we collect, use or disclose your personal data

1. 5GExplorer will only collect personal data to improve the experience with the mobile app, facilitate redemption of rewards or resolve any queries.

Geo-location Services

1. Our mobile or web-based applications may offer location-enabled services, such as Google Maps and Bing Maps. If you use those mobile or web-based applications, they may receive information about your actual location (such as GPS signals sent by a mobile device) or information that can be used to approximate a location. You will/may be asked if the geo-location service can be activated and you can also object to this geo-location service within the respective mobile or web-based application.

Web analytics by Google Analytics

1. Our Website and mobile or web-based applications may contain web analytic services provided by Google Analytics. This means that when you visit our Website or use any mobile or web-based applications, a cookie will be stored on your computer or mobile device, except when your browser settings do not allow for such cookies.

2. This further means that when you visit our Website or use any mobile or web-based applications, the personal data described above in paragraph 3.1 - including the "click-stream data", the data from "web beacons and tracking links" and information stored in Google Analytics' cookies will be sent to Google Analytics for analysis for and on behalf of us. Please note that if you have created an online profile at our Website or mobile or web-based application and if you are logged on in this profile, a unique number identifying this profile will also be sent to Google Analytics in order to be able to match the web analytics data to this profile.

3. Google Analytics acts as our agent, which means that we solely determine the purposes for which the data is being used. You can find out more about the relationships between Google Analytics and us in the Google Analytics' privacy policy.

4. If you do not wish information about your behaviour at our Website or any mobile or web-based applications being collected and assessed by Google Analytics, you can install the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on. This add-on instructs the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, and dc.js) to not send your site visit information to Google Analytics. The browser add-on is available for most modern browsers. The Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on does not prevent information from being sent to the website itself or in other ways to web analytics services.

Security & how do we store data?

1. Security of your personal data is important to us. We will put in place reasonable security arrangements to ensure that your personal data is adequately protected and secured. Appropriate security arrangements will be taken to prevent any unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, leakage, loss, damage and/or alteration of your personal data. However, we cannot assume responsibility for any unauthorised use of your personal data by third parties which are wholly attributable to factors beyond our control.

2. We will put in place measures such that your personal data in our possession or under our control is destroyed and/or anonymised as soon as it is reasonable to assume that (i) the purpose for which that personal data was collected is no longer being served by the retention of such personal data; and (ii) retention is no longer necessary for any other legal or business purposes.

Your Rights

1. If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data or about our Policy, if you do not accept the amended Policy, if you wish to withdraw any consent you have given us at any time, or if you wish to update or have access to your personal data, you are welcome to contact us

2. You have the right to access and/or correct any personal data that we hold about you, subject to exceptions under the law. This right can be exercised at any time by contacting us through the email address provided. We will need enough information from you in order to ascertain your identity as well as the nature of your request, so as to be able to deal with your request. All requests for correction or for access to your personal data must be in writing. We will endeavour to respond to your request within 30 days, and if that is not possible, we will inform you of the time by which we will respond to you.

3. We may be prevented by law from complying with any request that you may make. We may also decline any request that you may make if the law permits us to do so.

4. In many circumstances, we need to use your personal data in order for us to provide you with products or services which you require or have requested. If you do not provide us with the required personal data, or if you do not accept an amended Policy or withdraw your consent to our use and/or disclosure of your personal data for these purposes, it may not be possible for us to continue to serve you or provide you with the products and services that you require or have requested.

5. We may charge you a fee for responding to your request for access to the personal data which we hold about you, or for information about the ways in which we have (or may have) used your personal data. If a fee is to be charged, we will inform you of the amount beforehand and respond to your request after payment is received.


1. You may send complaints by emailing us at

Governing Law

1 . This Policy is prepared pursuant to the PDPA and governed by the laws of Singapore.


1. Your consent that is given pursuant to this Privacy Policy is additional to and does not supersede any other consent that you had provided to 5GExplorer,

2. For the avoidance of doubt, in the event that Singapore personal data protection law permits an organisation such as us to collect, use or disclose your personal data without your consent, such permission granted by the law shall continue to apply.

Last Updated on 1st July, 2020